Linda and I are sitting here early in the morning in Indonesia. We have been visiting Jon (our second oldest son) and his wife Dora. Really the main purpose of this visit has been to meet our third grandchild - Kellan River Braun. Kellan is Celtic for "powerful" and "River" represents life because that's rivers do - they bring life. His name means "powerful life."
People ask Jon - Why didn't you give Kellan a Christian name? Jon rightly answers, "We did." You see they gave Kellan his name as a reminder of the "powerful life" that is ours in Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself promised that He came to give us such life - "I came that you may have life and have it to the full!"
I look at Kellan and he is reminder of that life. He is a child of both American and Chinese parentage. As such he is much bigger than the average 3 month old baby you see in Indonesia. He is a powerful looking three month old. When people see Jon and Dora together they all want to see Kellan... They are curious what he looks like. He is a handsome looking child (in this grandfather's opinion).His smile is also full of life. Get Kellan laughing and it's infectious.
Seeing Kellan and our other three grandkids - Kyah, Dillan and John - I am reminded of what a great gift the new life of children are. This may be one of the sweetest parts of our lives - seeing our kids have kids. It's like a new beginning in our family.
They are also daily reminder of the new life that we have in Christ. In baptism... Through the forgiveness Christ purchased on the cross, our God gives our lives a new beginning each and every day. That's a powerful life that sin and death can not snuff out. Psalm 46 says, " There is a River that makes glad the city of God..." That would be the River of Life. The name of that River is Jesus. He is the source of the "powerful life" that lasts forever.