“Shine like
stars in the Universe, as you hold forth the Word of Life”
Philippians 2:15b-16a
is truly amazing all you can learn about God from the stars! I first heard this from Dr. Steunkel, the
President of the College where Linda and I attended. He was talking about Isaiah 40:26 – “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens:
Who created all these? He who brings out
the starry host one by one and calls them each by name. Because of His great power and might
strength, not one of them is missing.”
Wow! There is a lot in those
words. God is the creator of the
stars. He made all of those stars you
see in the sky. They belong to Him, as
does all of His creation. I am told
that on a clear dark night you and I can see with our eye only a few thousand
of the millions of stars that fill the Universe. Yet each one of those stars is important to
our God and creator. “He calls them each by name.” Because of His power they were created and
because of His power not one of them is missing.”
get the message. If God cares that much
about each and every star in the sky, imagine how much He cares about you and
me. After all it was for you and me that
He gave His Son. It was for your salvation and mine that Jesus gave His
life. Jesus Himself tells us that the
lilies of the field preach this same sermon.
“If that is how God clothes the
lilies of the fields, which are here today and tomorrow is thrown into the
fire, how much more will He cloth you?”
After all, in the words of Paul, “If
God did not spare His own son but gave Him up for us all, how will He not also
along with Him, freely give us all things?”
That’s quite a sermon the stars preach.
did you know that God preaches that same sermon through you to those around
you. That’s what Paul is telling us in
Philippians. “Shine like stars in the Universe, as you hold forth the Word of Life” Like the stars, He created each of us. We are
fearfully and wonderfully made. Of us
the Lord says, “I have called you by
name, you are Mine.” “The very hairs on your head,” Jesus
tells us, “ are all numbered.” He gave
His Son for you. At Baptism He made you
His own. God intends for you’re your life
and your words to be a living, breathing sermon about God’s care and grace to
all who meet you. “Shine like stars in the Universe!”
how can you or I be such a sermon. This
world is a very dark place. How can you and I possibly make any real
difference. That’s precisely the point,
my friends,. Those are the moments when
God shines brightest through you and me.
Once again God teaches us through the stars. When it is bright and sunny outside, you can’t
see the stars. The sunshine obscures them.
But when its dark… indeed when its completely dark outside, that’s when
you see the stars. That’s when they are at their brightest. In the same way, it is in the midst of the
darkest moments in life when God’s light shines most clearly from your life and
mine. I remember one man named Dwain,
dying of cancer. As the darkness of
death encroached his faith shone at its brightest, sharing his faith with his
son-in-law while in the hospital waiting to die. His joy, his hope in the face of death – that
was the sermon God preached through Dwain.
That’s what He does through you and me.
He makes us His stars shining with faith, hope and love in the darkness
of this world. For those who know you at
home, at work, in various parts of your life - no sermon I ever preach from the
pulpit can match up to the sermon God
preaches through you, your faith and your life. You are one of God’s best sermons.