“You shall
therefore lay up these words of Mine
In your heart and
in your soul…”
Dt. 11:18
week I leave for the US and so today I started packing.. As I do so, it occurs to me that I spend a
lot of time packing. Most every day
Linda or I pack a lunch to take to the office at Church. Most days I pack my backpack with the things I
need to take back and forth from the office.
Sometimes I take a computer with me, and so I pack this suitcase. This bag is for my camera equipment. This one is for my CPAP machine. Then there are the suitcases – big ones for long trips and little ones for
only do I spend a lot of time packing. I
spend a lot of time repacking. When I
leave next week, this suitcase will be neatly packed. I guarantee that two days into the trip it
will be a mess. I will be searching
through everything looking for a pair of socks.
In the course of the next 5 weeks, I will unpack and repack it several
times. My backpack is in constant need
of repacking. Right now there are
pretzels in the bottom, from a package that broke open. Sometimes, there will a Tupperware container
that I forgot to unpack it and put it in the dishwasher.
know, your heart and mine are a lot like this backpack. My goal today is to get you to think about
what you are packing there, because your heart is your most important suitcase
in your daily walk with God.
think about that. With everything you
and I read… with everything we watch on TV, at the movies… with everything we
listen to… with every site we visit on the Internet – you and I are packing
things – good, bad and horrible in our hearts.
When I pack for a trip, I only pack good stuff, not my worn out
stuff. We need to do that daily with our
hearts. In Dt. 11 God tells us to “lay up these words of mine in your heart
and in your soul…” Taking time to
store up God’s word in your heart is so
important I don’t mean simply reading
the Word. I am thinking of the old prayer from the
hymnal where we ask God to helps us to “read, mark, learn and inwardly digest”
His word. When you commit His word to
memory you will be surprised at how His word becomes a daily part of your life
and your prayers. Prisoners of War talk
about being sustained by scripture they had memorized. IN my prayers, the memorized words from Psalm
51, constantly come to my mind – “Create
in me a clean heart O God…” What
could be better than to pack your heart full of God’s word which “is able to make you wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus…
which is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting and training in
key aspect of packing and repacking your heart is repentance. Like my backpack, my heart quite quickly
becomes a mess. Think of what Jesus says
about the things stored up in our hearts – “Out
of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft,
false witness, slander. These are what
defile a person.” Sin will mold and
decay in our hearts. That’s why we need
daily to clean them out, bring our sins to God and confess them. He promises – “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus His
Son will cleanse us of our sins… If we confess our sins, God is faithful and
just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Our hearts need a thorough cleaning every
final aspect of packing and repacking your heart is to pray. Paul writes in Philippians 4, “Have no anxiety about anything but in
everything by prayer and petition, let your requests be made known unto God and
the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and
minds in Christ Jesus.” I had a
friend tell me recently that he has been having trouble sleeping. There were just too many things weighing on
his mind. Finally one night, he couldn’t
take it anymore, so he prayed. He gave
it up to God, and slept like a baby. God
did just what He promised. His peace
stood guard over this person’s heart.
and I spend a lot of time packing and repacking things in our lives. But what
about our most important suitcase – our hearts?
It’s worth the time to pack and repack your heart. And don’t do it by
yourself. Your God daily wants to
cleanse and make your heart new! Amen