Thursday, February 9, 2017

Finding the Right "F" Word for these Times

“And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”
1 John 5:4

If the title of this week’s blog seems a bit provocative, it was, at least in part, intended to be.  Yes, I wanted to get you to read or listen to this message.  However, that’s not my only reason for this title.  I am writing because I believe that there is a certain “F” word that is right now dominating this period of history – the word “Fear.”  There just seems to be fear everywhere.  There is fear of terrorism.  There is fear of “the other side.”  Here is an example of what I mean by that.  It appears to me that people who call themselves “liberal” appear to be afraid of those who call themselves “conservative.”  Those who call themselves “conservative” appear to be afraid of those who call themselves “liberal.”  There is fear of who won the election.  There is fear of Brexit. There is fear of letting people know where you stand on anything for fear of being ridiculed.  There is fear of global warming.  There is fear of those who believe in global warming.  There is fear of more countries getting nuclear weapons. There is fear of war.  Fear, it seems to me, is the “F” word of our times. 

The problem with fear is it provokes other “F” words in people’s lives.  People tend to respond to fear in one of three ways.  We Fight.  Or we Freeze.  Or we Flee.  You see the fight response in all the various protests – especially the violent ones.  You see it in the harsh, sometime vitriolic and even nasty war of words going on between various people on social media.  Others of us have responded to all of this by simply freezing.  Overwhelmed by all the fear, by all the nastiness between people, we haven’t known what to do or say.  So out of fear of doing or saying the wrong thing, we do or say nothing.  Others simply flee.  People are choosing to shut down their Facebook accounts, steering clear of controversy, deleting friends.  But after all aren’t those the only three possible responses when someone throws a punch at you – to punch them back?  Or to stand there and let them punch you?  Or to turn around and run away?  To Fight, Freeze or Flee?

I would like to suggest that there is a better “F” word for our times.  There is a better answer to our Fears.  That better answer is the best “F” word of all – the word Faith.  Of course I am not talking about any old faith.  What makes the biggest difference when it comes to faith is where you place your faith.  Place your faith in the wrong place and you will just end up with more fear.  Faith in government, in political leaders, in people, in optimism and positive thinking, in democracy, in the economy, in elections, in yourself, in your friends and even your family is not the answer.  As wonderful as any of these things or people may or may not be – they are all Fallible.  They will all at some time or another Fail you.  Oops there go two more “F” words.

No the faith I am talking about is faith in God.  That’s a faith that will not fail you.  After all He is Almighty.  He knows everything.  He can handle everything.  And He loves you.  He loves you so much that He gave His Son to be your Savior.  He loves you so much that His Son Jesus died on the cross for your sins.  He loves you so much that He raised His Son from the dead because He wants to have you around forever.  He knows your name.  He counts the hairs on your head.  Not even a sparrow falls to the ground without Him knowing it.  He adopted you as His child in baptism.  He forgives all your sins.  He listens to your prayers.  He works all things together for the good of those who love Him, including you.  There is nothing that can happen that can separate you from His love.  In fact, because of His love you are more than a conqueror in each and every situation.  Faith in God is well placed faith.

Now don’t get me wrong.  This doesn’t mean that you won’t get angry about things.  This doesn’t mean that you won’t experience fear or disappointment.  It doesn’t mean that things happening in the world will no longer bother you or upset you.  It doesn’t mean that you won’t still want to fight or freeze or flee.  What it means is that in the face all those things you have a better way to respond… a better place to turn in response in moments of fear.  You can turn in faith to God.  You can find peace in the fact that the God who loves you is in control even when you can’t see it.  After all, the Apostle John is absolutely right – “And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”  Faith is absolutely the right word for these times… for every time.  Amen. 

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