Thursday, April 26, 2018

I was Once a Crying Baby in Church

“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them,
for to such belong the kingdom of God.”
Mark 10:14b

I was once a crying baby in church. I know that may surprise you but it’s true. According to my mom, there was one time when this high powered preacher came to town.  Mom really wanted to hear him.  In fact, she wanted him to pray for me, her little boy.   Dad was working, so we went, just the two of us.  Mom says there was a huge crowd.  This preacher had quite the reputation.  Somehow mom got a seat down close the front.  She said the man was giving a wonderful, powerful sermon.  But then I started cry.  Nothing she did would calm me down.  People were turning around and staring at her, looking disgusted.  I was oblivious to that.  I just kept crying.  Knowing me, I was probably hungry.  Finally, a couple of the elders came up to mom and told her that I was making too much noise.  We would have to leave… or at least go outside.  Well, according to mom, she was about to get up and leave, when the preacher himself intervened.  He told the elders to leave us be.  Then, mom says, he did the most wonderful thing.  He invited mom to bring me forward.  He wanted to pray for me.  Mom has treasured his words ever since.  “Let the little children come to me,” He said, “and do not hinder them, for to such belong the kingdom of God.”

Yes, you guessed it.  The preachers name was Jesus.  I just told you a fictional story built around a something that really did happen in Scripture.  The disciples really did try to shoo away some mothers who were bringing their babies to have Jesus bless them.  Jesus really did intervene.  He really did invite the mothers and their babies forward. 

There is another true aspect to the story I told.  It’s absolutely true – I was once a crying baby in church.  In fact, I think it’s a pretty safe bet, that all of us who were raised in the church were at one time crying babies in church.  It’s what babies do.  Babies get hungry and they cry.  Their diapers get soiled and they cry.  The get tired and they cry.  Sometimes they cry and nobody know why.   I don’t really know what my mom did when I cried in church.  When I was little our church didn’t have a nursery.  There was no cry room.  I am sure she or dad took me out to get me to calm down.  But the only place they had to take me was a narthex that was only a hallway at the back of the church.  With my loud voice, I am pretty sure people could still hear me. 

One thing I do know however.  I am so thankful to God that my mom and dad took me to church.  They brought me to Jesus to have Him bless me.  They lived through the time when I was a crying baby because teaching me about Jesus, was so very important to them.  And God used all of that.  He blessed me with His grace.  In baptism, He adopted me as His child.  In worship, in Sunday school, in VBS, in confirmation and at home, I was taught about Jesus.  Jesus used all sorts of people to bless me – Pastors, Sunday School teachers, parents and others.  I know Jesus and believe in Him… I am a pastor today because my parents took me and the church welcomed me – a crying baby in Church.

Truthfully, that’s why I am writing this.    How you and I as believers react to and care for crying little babies and their families is so important.  I know of moms who regularly avoid bringing their little babies because they are afraid of being judged by others.  That should not be the case.   Pastor Miles taught a lesson in my confirmation class that I will never forget.  He said, “If I hear a crying baby in church and see any of you turn around to look at that mom and baby, you will have to deal with me.  That baby and that mom (or dad) has as much right to be in church as you do.”  To this day if I hear a crying baby in church I will purposefully look the other way. I know Pastor Miles is still watching. 

What should we do when we hear a crying baby?  Rejoice!  Rejoice that there are moms and dads bringing their babies to your church.  Rejoice, because their presence will give Jesus the opportunity to bless those little babies and their families.  If you have a chance get to know those families.  Befriend them.  Offer to take a turn manning the nursery so that if the parents wish, they can bring their child to the nursery.  If they are new, welcome them and give them a tour.  Ask them if there is anything you can do for them.  Always remember that places like cry rooms and nurseries are not there for us to send parents and babies to. They are there if the parents decide to use them. 

Before you get annoyed by a crying baby – stop yourself.  Remember that like me, you were most likely once a crying baby in church.  Then thank God that your parents brought you and that the church welcomes you.  You are in church today in part because of how Jesus blessed you when you were a crying baby.  Then pray for those families and pray that God would make you to be His living breathing invitation to all with crying babies – “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belong the kingdom of God.”  Amen.

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