Psalm 46:4a (ESV)
“There is a river
whose STREAMS make glad the city of God…”
week I shared with you some thoughts about the national youth gathering. I would like to continue along that strain
with some thoughts generated in my mind by the second morning Bible study at the
Gathering. We were looking at the middle
four verses of Psalm 46 – talking about the river that makes glad the city of
God. As I listened, the realization
struck me that it’s the streams of
the river that “make glad the city of
God.” At first I got this image all
wrong – thinking about how the river (perhaps Jesus or God’s Word or God’s
grace) flows into the streams – all of us who are his people. The problem with that is - rivers don’t flow
into streams. Streams flow into
rivers. So, I sat there during this
Bible study searching on google for information about streams and wondering –
what is the Psalmist telling us?
think about how this works in nature.
The water comes down in snow and rain. The snow melts and the rain flows
into the streams. The streams carry the water to the rivers. The rivers carry the water to the oceans. Apply that metaphor to us. God gives His “rain” – His grace to us in
Jesus Christ, in word and sacrament.
That grace creates faith in our hearts.
We as God’s newly created streams carry that grace into all the world –
the places where we live and work and play.
Along the way God works through the word of grace we share with the
world… the water of life – He
to created faith in more and more hearts… until the stream becomes and river…
the river of life and carries us into the vast ocean of God’s kingdom.
I don’t know about you, but that works for me.
We are God’s streams grace, reaching into many lives with His love,
bringing with us more and more people to Jesus, the river of life and into His
kingdom. That’s our calling… that’s the
mission we have been given. We are God’s
streams and God uses us to “make glad
the city of God.’
then I started to think about all the times we have driven through the pan
handle of Texas on our way to Colorado.
There are all sorts of streams out there. Most years they are bone dry
because most years there just isn’t enough rain. This year those streams were all full –
because there has been plenty of rain.
thought struck me – Am I a dry stream?
Sometimes. But it’s not because God is not supplying enough
water. IN His word, at church, in youth
group at worship God is constantly pouring down the living water of His grace
into our lives. If I am a dry stream, it’s
because I am neglecting God’s means of grace in my daily life. How much better it is when God is filling you
and me up daily with His grace and forgiveness through word and sacrament. Then He is able to use us to bring that water
of life to all around us… That’s how we become, in the Spirit’s hands, the streams that make glad the city of God. Amen.
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