"He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake."
Psalm 23:3b (ESV)
Peter wondered. When Jesus told them that His path would lead to a cross, Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord!” he said. “This shall never happen to you!” In other words, “NO Lord, that can’t be the right path. Jesus stopped him short, “Get Thee behind me Satan….” Then Jesus took a step farther. Not only is the cross my path, it’s yours too. “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. “ We shouldn’t be too hard on Peter. Even Jesus, faced with the cross, wondered if there might be another path. “Father, if there be any other way, let this cup pass from me.” Yet that was exactly where the Father was leading Him. That’s exactly where Jesus leads us.
The greatest single safeguard that a shepherd has in handling his sheep is to keep them on the move. They dare not be left in the same place too long. Do that and they will overgraze the pasture. The food will run out. A Good shepherd is always planning ahead. He knows what His sheep need. He is always aware of where to take them next. That’s what we need to know about our Lord Jesus. He is the Good shepherd. He knows what lies ahead of us. He moves us from one pasture to another, from one experience to another, causing us to grow, preparing us for what lies ahead. He knows the real dangers. Sickness, the lost of a job, an unexpected move are just temporary. He’s concerned about the eternal dangers. He knows the sin in our hearts, the wiles of the devil and the temptations of the world. Those things pose the lasting dangers. Those things are His chief concern.
He knows because our shepherd does more than scout out what lies ahead. He walks down the dangerous path ahead of us. He confronts those dangers. He faces the temptations. Jesus suffers many things at the hands of sinful men. He overcomes the world. He is crucified to pay the price for our sin. On the third day Jesus was raised to life again that we might have life.
He does all this that He might lead us in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Because Jesus is our shepherd we can trust Him with our paths, even when we don’t understand where He is leading us or why. A couple was taking a tour of Israel. In one small village they saw a man driving sheep through town. They asked, “Is that a shepherd?” “No,” said the guide. “That’s a butcher driving the sheep to the slaughter. A shepherd walks out in front of his sheep to protect them. Because they trust him, they follow.” That’s what our shepherd does. He leads us down the various paths of life. Sometimes we wonder how this can be the right path. Why would He invite us to take up our cross and follow Him? Yet we know we can trust Him. He has gone ahead. By His cross and resurrection He has blazed the trail that leads to forgiveness, hope and heaven.
Think of Simon of Cyrene . He’s the man they seized to carry the cross
for Jesus. Simon had been minding his
own business. He had to wonder how this could be the right path. Yet because the Gospel writers tell us his
name, we know that carrying the cross of Jesus down that Friday eventually led
Simon down the path to faith… to salvation… to heaven. That’s the confidence we can have in God. When He calls us down paths don’t make sense
to us, we can trust Him… we can trust His leading. His paths are the right paths… the path to
life… the paths to Him. Amen!
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