“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4
Why would a shepherd lead his sheep through “the valley of the shadow of death?” The
answer is quite simple. He is taking his flock to graze in the meadows of the
high country. To get there he had to
lead his sheep though the valley… through steep canyons and deep gulches. Towering cliffs stand on either side. The valley floor is often covered in dark
shadow, the sun shining only a few hours each day. This allows great cover for predators. These
valleys are often subject to terrible storms, flash floods, rock slides, all
sorts of disasters that threaten his sheep.
These are the valleys of the shadow of death. Yet still the shepherd leads his flock here,
for this is the best way to the high country.
He can’t lead his sheep straight up the side of the mountain. Following the valleys allows the shepherd to
lead his flock gradually up into the high pastures. For another thing its in
the valleys that the shepherd will find rivers, streams, and quiet pools for
water for his sheep… green pastures to feed them That’s why the shepherd leads his sheep
through this dangerous valley.
You and I live our lives in such a dangerous valley! Dangerous evils surround us.. I don’t need to show you pictures of war torn
Syria or tell you stories of Isis beheadings. I can just take you on a tour of
your own life. Why do you lock your
doors? Why are you afraid to be outside
the Hauptbahnhof after dark? Why do you have passwords for your
computer? Why do we have controls to
make sure our kids don’t visit certain sites on the internet? Why teach your children not to talk to
strangers? Why do we need policemen and
armies and jails? Why is it that the
person who counts the money in the offering plate has to be different than the
person who signs the checks? Because the
devil is real! The bible calls him a
hungry roaring lion. There is evil in
the world, in your neighborhoods, even in your church - Evil so bad that you can
take all of these precautions and still not be safe. Evil is not just out there. Evil is in you and me. Jesus warned us, “Out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries and the
No wonder David included this verse in His Psalm. He is describing how our shepherd takes care of us. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” His rod is the law by which He helps to recognize right from wrong…to recognize evil as evil. It is a mirror showing us our own sin. With it He pushes back to the fleece to uncover the wounds with which evil has marred our souls. The rod however is not enough. The law can not conquer evil.
For that our Lord uses His staff- the Gospel - the good news of all He has done to protect us. Yes our Lord’s own suffering and death is His staff. His cross is His staff. I remember watching the video of the day President Reagan was shot.. The agent guarding him turned his body into the gun fire to shield the president. That’s what our shepherd. Jesus being beaten with that staff, whipped, mocked and then crucified – that’s Jesus putting Himself between us and evil. He took the blows meant for us. He took our beatings. The nails driven through his hands were all meant for you and me. It cost Him His life! Then He rose from the dead. He destroyed the one who holds the power of death that is the devil.
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