Thursday, July 30, 2020

Three Days Transformed by Christ Each Week

Hebrews 13:8
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.”

In my devotional reading this week, one author put forward the idea that there are two days each week that we shouldn’t worry about – yesterday and tomorrow.  Yesterday, he wrote, with all its mistakes and blunders, successes and failures, aches and pains is over.  You can’t bring it back.  You can’t do it over.  Its done.  Quit worrying about it. That’s all true. However, what he forgot is that sometimes yesterday’s mistakes, decisions (good and bad) can still have an impact on today and tomorrow.  Tomorrow, he wrote, is beyond our control. The sun will rise, or rain will fall with or without us.  Until tomorrow comes, quit worrying about it.  That is all true.   Jesus even says as much, “do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”  However, what about planning?  Shouldn’t we plan for tomorrow, so we use it well?  That’s not the same as worrying.

I have been thinking about all that.  I think the author was right – we shouldn’t worry about either yesterday or tomorrow.  What he didn’t mention is why we shouldn’t worry.  That’s what I want to look at in this week’s blog. Why not worry about yesterday or tomorrow?  Quite simply because there are three days transformed by Christ every week – yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Think about what the scriptures tell us “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” 

Think about yesterday. Yes, it’s gone.  You can’t undo it or relive it.  And yes, yesterday’s mistakes and sins often live on and impact our lives for a long time.  That’s why it is such good news that yesterday is transformed about Christ.  Whatever sins we committed, or mistakes we made… whatever harms we did to others yesterday – Jesus has already paid the price with His suffering, death and resurrection. God has already forgiven all of yesterday’s failings.   That means that we too can forgive others, forgive ourselves and be forgiven by others.   In Christ, we can learn from what happened yesterday live for Him today and tomorrow.  God in Christ has transformed every yesterday.

He has also transformed tomorrow.  No, we can’t live tomorrow until it comes. We have no control over it.  But He does.  And He promises, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  We do not know what tomorrow holds but we do know the God who holds all our tomorrows.  We have no control over tomorrow right now, but our God does.   He has secured for us an eternal future by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.   Nothing in this life can compare with all the blessings God has prepared for us in Christ.  He who loved us and gave Jesus for us promises He has plans to prosper us… to give us a hope and a future.  In Christ God has transformed all our tomorrows.

In doing He has thus transformed today as well.  Because of what Jesus did about our yesterdays we need not live today weighed down with guilt and shame.  He has taken all that away.   We need not fear tomorrow.  Even with all the unknown, we can pray, make our plans and then look forward to whatever God has for us tomorrow… even if He changes our plans.   Because of what God has done to yesterday and tomorrow, we are free each and every today to “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles…” and then to run today “with perseverance the race marked out for us” by our loving God. 

Think what is possible because God in Christ transforms three days of your life every week – all your yesterdays, todays and tomorrows.  

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