Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Roaring Like a Lion... My God's Not Dead

"My God's not dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
Roaring like a lion"
Those words are from the song by "Newsboys" that is the theme song from the movie, "God is Not Dead."  I know it took me a long time... the movie has been out for a while... but I sat last night and watched that movie with Ben, Anna and Linda.  I heard the words "roaring like a lion" and thought immediately of our grandson Dillan, Robert Ralph Braun.  The name "Dillan" after all means "like a lion" and "loyal one."  That's Dillan!  When he's going, he's roaring.  And loyalty?  You should have seen him watch with concern when his daddy's shoulder was hurting. You should see his joy when either his mom or dad comes home.  His name fits!
It's also a great description of our God and Savior.  Jesus is a real "Dillan."  He is after all "the lion of the tribe of Judah."  He is loyal - "For no matter how many promises God has made they are all 'yes' in Christ..." (2 Corinthians 2).
Let me tell you we have been finding out just how "loyal" and "faithful" our God is.  He has been "roaring like a lion."  We had planned on going to meet our Indonesian Grandson after Christmas but then God changed our plans.  I got worried.  How would we do this?  Yet our God is a "Dillan." He's loyal.  He provided a way to go to Indonesia early - between the end of our time at Lamb of God and the start of our work for the LCMS.    We have to raise 75% of our support for the work in Germany. How would we ever do that?  Yet already $ 43,000 has been given.  He has provided friend after friend to support us... congregation after congregation to welcome our message.  He is a "Dillan."  We would have to sell our home.  Again He was faithful - our house sold in 24 hours.  We hoped to go to Germany by mid-November. That's way too aggressive a plan.  Yet yesterday, with synod permission, we bought our tickets and will leave for Germany on November 12.
He has shown us again and again.  Our God is faithful and loyal.  He has been keeping His promises... blessing us with His grace.  He has truly been "roaring like a lion" in our lives. 
I don't know why any of us worry and fret over the future. Our Savior is "the lion of the tribe of Judah."  He is faithful and loyal.  He is truly a "Dillan."


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