Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Guten Rutsch!

Last week everyone was wishing us a “Frohe Weinnachten.”  But this week with Christmas past and the New Year coming we have been hearing new German greeting.   People have been saying,  “guten rutsch. “ Others have said it in English, wishing that I would have a “good slide into the new year.”    I didn’t know what that meant so I "googled" it.  What I found is that it can mean “Have a good start to the new year.”  In other words, I guess, this greeting can mean “may you slide easily into the new year.”   However I found another explanation that I like even better.  To wish some a “guten rutsch” is to wish them a “good journey in the new year.”

That got me to thinking about our journey this past year.  There were many expected stops along the way.  When 2014 started I knew we would be completing and dedicating the new community  Life Center at Lamb of God. I knew that 2014 would see the birth of 2 new grandchildren – Kellan to Jon and Dora… John Wayne to Bethany and Jason.  I was pretty sure that sometime during the year we would journey to Colorado for our annual vacation. 

But there were also a lot of things I didn't know when 2014 started.  I didn’t know that we would be expecting not just two but in fact three grandchildren.  The third will be born tomorrow to Ben and Anna.  I didn’t know that Steven would spend three months in Germany on an internship.   I really didn’t know that by the end of the year Linda and I would be living in Germany.  I was expecting to be going out every day in the warm sunshine of Texas, to be getting in my pickup to head to Lamb of God.  I didn’t know I would be bundling up like this every day to go out in the snow for the 2 mile walk and ride to Trinity in Frankfurt.   

But that’s the wonderful when you walk your journey through this life following Jesus.  I imagine that when Jesus came to those fishermen by the sea of Galilee and said, “Come, Follow Me!” that they had no idea where this journey would take them.    They didn't know they would see the blind receive their sight, the lame be made to walk and the dead raised.  They didn't know that following Jesus would lead them to His crucifixion and then three days later.  They didn't know that following Jesus would make them world travelers…going into all the world to spread the good news that God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.    What did they know?  That they would be following Him and He would be with them all the way.

That’s what we know for sure too.  This past year dedicating the new community life center, going on the mission trip with the Lamb of God youth, greeting and expecting new grandchildren, moving to Germany, starting a ministry anew with the wonderful people of Trinity – in the expected and the unexpected – the one thing we have known for sure… is we were following Jesus and He has been walking with us. 

As we get ready to start our journey through 2015 – with all the expected and unexpected that this new year promises to you and me – we do so answering the call of our Savior Jesus to “Come Follow Me!”  No matter what the journey may hold – easy or hard, sad or joyful – we know it will be a good journey because we follow Him and He walks with us.  So to all of you… Guten Rutsch.”  “Have a good slide into the new year.”

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

More Than a Candle

John 1:4,5 & 9
"In Him was life and that life was the light of men.
The Light shines in the darkness, 
but the darkness has not understood it...
The true Light that gives light to every man
was coming into the world."

People both here and back in the US keep asking me what is the most difficult adjustment we have had to make since moving to Germany.  Lately my answer has been quite simple – “It’s been hard to get used to all the darkness.”  People here understand exactly what I mean.  In fact they have told me that this is the hardest time of the year to move to Germany.  The weather is mostly cool and cloudy.  On many, many days there is an on again, off again drizzle.  In addition the days are very short right now and the nights are very long.  The sun is barely up at 8 in the morning and its well on its way to setting by 4 p.m. After living all these years in Texas where you have sunshine and blue skies almost every day, this has been hard to get used to.  But I am told, this is simply the way things are in Frankfurt in November and December.

The other day, while sharing this with one of the members at their home, they shared with me something very interesting.  They said, “That’s why candles are so important in Germany.  You’ll notice that we sat down to share cookies and tea, that we also lit a candle.  We always do this.  In this dark time of the year, the light of a candle cheers the spirit.  It brings us warmth and comfort.  Light after all is a symbol of life.”  Wow, I thought, what a great custom… to light a candle on your table in the dead of winter and be reminded that the darkness will not last forever.  The light and new life of spring will return.

Isn’t that what we are getting ready to celebrate on the 24th and 25th of December?  Isn’t that exactly what God has done for us?  Only He has lit more than a candle for us!  Listen to the Scriptures.  Some 600 years before our Savior’s birth, Isaiah wrote of that event, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.”  John writes of Christ in the first chapter of his Gospel, “In Him was life and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not understood it.”   A couple of verses later John would call Jesus “the true light that gives light to every man…” 

We live in a world made dark by our sin – by depression, by hurtful words and deeds, by the grief of death and more.  At this time of the year, when so many are told and expected to be “merry,” the darkness is made even deeper.  After all, we cannot dispel the darkness of sin just because someone tells us “Be Merry!”   That’s why God lit His eternal candle… really more than a candle in that manger in Bethlehem.    In the darkness this week, He invites to gather around that manger…to meet again His son Jesus who is the Light of the world… the Light that brings us forgiveness, hope and life… the Light that death tried to snuff out of the cross… the Light the darkness could not, indeed will not ever put out.

As we were sitting there at that table learning about candles in Germany, Steven added another bit of information.  He said, “Yes, where I stayed in Germany, Pastor Anwand and his family were always lighting a candle at night.  And whenever we moved to a different part of the house, they took the candle with us.”  Lets do that too.  God has given us His light in that manger in Bethlehem.   Where ever we go in life, lets take His light with us so that others may know the hope, the joy, the peace of God’s light given in Jesus.    Merry Christmas to you all!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Where Do You Start When You Pray?

“And Mary Said,
‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
For He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. 
From now on
All generations will call me blessed.”
Luke 1:46-48

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

To Break Down... to Build and to Plant

I wish I would have taken a picture of this building back in May when I was here for my interview with Trinity.  Back then it was an an ugly empty building that apparently no one could use.  Now as I walk by it everyday on my way to and from Trinity, they are in the slow process of tearing it down - a dirty, time consuming process.  But if this valuable piece of property (it sits on a major road) is going to be useful again... if some new building is going to be built there, then this building has to first be torn down.  Each time I have walked by this building Jeremiah 1:9b-10 has come to mind. These words take place in the context of God calling Jeremiah to be His prophet. Behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have set you this day over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down,  to destroy and to overthrow,  to build and to plant.” 

Why would God through His word "pluck up and break down, to destroy and overthrow? He would do this in our lives for the same reason they are tearing down this building.  God often has to tear down the old in order to "build and to plant" His new creation in our lives.

This past Sunday we heard again about John the Baptist and His message of "Repentance for the forgiveness of sins."  Think about that - In order to do His work of forgiveness in our lives God has to first do the work of repentance.  He has to show us our sin.  He has to tear down the walls of sin with which we separate ourselves from Him.  Why?  In order that we might be ready for Him to do His wonderful work of forgiving us all our sins for the sake of Jesus!  He tears down the old in order to build and to plant His new life in us. 

As I look at the picture of this building being torn down, I am struck by the fact that it may have been much easier to have just left this building the way it was - an empty eyesore - than it is to do this messy, costly work of tearing down the building.  I am the same way.   I would sometimes like to leave things the way they are... ignore the dirt and ruin in my life that needs to be torn down.  After all when God does this tearing down work in me that's not easy.  Things about myself that I would rather deny or not deal with - hatreds, weaknesses, old grudges, sinful habits, struggles in my relationships - get exposed.  I don't like looking at those things.  I would rather not admit they are true.  My guess is that you are no different.  God's work of tearing down is not fun.  As I once read on a sign in a counselors office - "The truth will make you free but first it will make you miserable."  It just seems so much easier to ignore these truths about us than to go through the struggle of facing them.

That's when we need to remember why God "tears down."  He is eager to "build and to plant" His new life in us.  He works repentance in our hearts because His greatest desire is for us to know and believe in His forgiveness and love.  He sent John the Baptist to "make the rough places plain... He sent John preaching a baptism of repentance to "prepare the way of the Lord."   He sent John to tear down because He was about give the world our Savior - Jesus.  He was about to build and to plant.

I love the season of Advent.  Each year we hear John the Baptist cry, "Repent, for the Kingdom of God is near."  Then a couple of short weeks later comes Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Our homes, our churches are filled with light and song. We sing "Joy to the World" because God planted Himself in our midst, in flesh and blood as a tiny baby in a manger sent to "make all things new."  What a great reminder this season is that our God is one who tears down the old in us because more than anything He desires to make us new in Christ.  




I am 


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Signal Kommt!"  "The Signal is coming."  I pause at this little device every day before I cross the road to catch the UBahn (the commuter train that will take me a mile south to another station and then I walk the next mile from there to Trinity.)  This device promises me that if I just wait, very soon the signal will come.  The little red man on the stoplight will turn green signalling that I can safely cross the street to catch my train.

"Signal Kommt!"  What a reminder of the message of this season of Advent.  The word "advent" signals that someone very important is about to arrive.  For us the message of Advent is "He Comes!"  By that we don't just mean any "He".  We mean Jesus!  Jesus has come!  Jesus comes to us today!  Jesus is coming again!  All of those are what we celebrate and anticipate this month of December.

Last Sunday's readings reminded us of some of the signs of His second coming - troubles on earth and in the heavens...  As Jesus tell us, "From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.  So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that He is near, at the very gates."  Mark 13.  The times shout at us "Signal Kommt!   Just Wait, He is coming!"  For all of us as believers that is reason for hope... not matter how hopeless things may seem at work... in our jobs... in our marriages... with our health - we are never without hope.  We know He's coming!  Jesus tells us the signs of His coming are signs for hope "but you, when you see these things beginning to happen, stand up, lift up your heads for your redemption is drawing nigh!"  Luke 21:28

His coming again is reason for hope.  Why?  Because He who is coming, is He who has come.  This season... the advent wreath, the decorations, the songs and Scripture readings are all taking us to one place - to His birth... to Christmas.  He came to take our place, to live our life, then die for our sins.  He came to conquer sin and death by His resurrection!  We hope for His second coming because of His first coming.  Advent cries out to us with joy - "Signal Kommt!  He who came is coming!"

But what about today... what about right now?  Is our hope in Christ only for the end of life, only for what He gives us in the world to come? "Signal Kommt!  Jesus who came... Jesus who is coming again... He comes to us even now, even today!"  The signs that signal His presence with us even now are all around us, especially in worship.  In every gathering of God's people Jesus comes for He has promised, "Wherever two or three of you are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of you."  Every time we read His word, study His word in Bible Class, hear His word proclaimed in worship, Jesus comes to speak to us.  At every Baptism... in every celebration of Holy Communion - Jesus comes to wash us, to feed us with His body and blood in the bread and wine.

What a great message Advent brings - Get ready to celebrate the fact that Jesus came.  Live each day by faith assured that He has not left you alone.  Jesus comes to you today!  Look forward to tomorrow with hope no matter what's happening because Jesus is coming again!  "Signal Kommt!"