Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"Signal Kommt!"  "The Signal is coming."  I pause at this little device every day before I cross the road to catch the UBahn (the commuter train that will take me a mile south to another station and then I walk the next mile from there to Trinity.)  This device promises me that if I just wait, very soon the signal will come.  The little red man on the stoplight will turn green signalling that I can safely cross the street to catch my train.

"Signal Kommt!"  What a reminder of the message of this season of Advent.  The word "advent" signals that someone very important is about to arrive.  For us the message of Advent is "He Comes!"  By that we don't just mean any "He".  We mean Jesus!  Jesus has come!  Jesus comes to us today!  Jesus is coming again!  All of those are what we celebrate and anticipate this month of December.

Last Sunday's readings reminded us of some of the signs of His second coming - troubles on earth and in the heavens...  As Jesus tell us, "From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.  So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that He is near, at the very gates."  Mark 13.  The times shout at us "Signal Kommt!   Just Wait, He is coming!"  For all of us as believers that is reason for hope... not matter how hopeless things may seem at work... in our jobs... in our marriages... with our health - we are never without hope.  We know He's coming!  Jesus tells us the signs of His coming are signs for hope "but you, when you see these things beginning to happen, stand up, lift up your heads for your redemption is drawing nigh!"  Luke 21:28

His coming again is reason for hope.  Why?  Because He who is coming, is He who has come.  This season... the advent wreath, the decorations, the songs and Scripture readings are all taking us to one place - to Bethlehem...to His birth... to Christmas.  He came to take our place, to live our life, then die for our sins.  He came to conquer sin and death by His resurrection!  We hope for His second coming because of His first coming.  Advent cries out to us with joy - "Signal Kommt!  He who came is coming!"

But what about today... what about right now?  Is our hope in Christ only for the end of life, only for what He gives us in the world to come? "Signal Kommt!  Jesus who came... Jesus who is coming again... He comes to us even now, even today!"  The signs that signal His presence with us even now are all around us, especially in worship.  In every gathering of God's people Jesus comes for He has promised, "Wherever two or three of you are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of you."  Every time we read His word, study His word in Bible Class, hear His word proclaimed in worship, Jesus comes to speak to us.  At every Baptism... in every celebration of Holy Communion - Jesus comes to wash us, to feed us with His body and blood in the bread and wine.

What a great message Advent brings - Get ready to celebrate the fact that Jesus came.  Live each day by faith assured that He has not left you alone.  Jesus comes to you today!  Look forward to tomorrow with hope no matter what's happening because Jesus is coming again!  "Signal Kommt!"

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