Friday, February 6, 2015

Walking Where Jesus Walked

"Lord, if It's You, tell me to come."
Matthew 14:28

"Lord, if it's You Tell Me to Come"

This post is coming to you from Israel, the land of our Lord Jesus.  Behind me is the Sea of Galilee.  I was sitting here thinking about that one of things people get excited about when they come here is the thought -"I've walked where Jesus walked."  Well I can't say that about the Sea of Galilee.   He walked on to that Sea.  I haven't.  But Peter did.

Have you ever thought about Why Peter wanted to walk on the water.  It's a great illustration of what discipleship means.  A disciple was to follow his Rabbi so closely that he would be covered in the "dust of his Rabbi."  He was to listen and commit to memory all that his Rabbi said.  He was to imitate and do what he saw his Rabbi do.  The Rabbi was to shape the whole person of the disciple.  The disciple was to trust and become like his disciple.  Therefore when Peter saw Jesus walk on the water he wanted to do it too.  And he did.

Of course you know what happened.  No sooner was Peter out of the boat, walking on the water than he was distracted and frightened by the wind and the waves.  Taking his eyes off of Jesus, Peter started to sink.  Now I don't want to be too hard on Peter - I don't think I would have even got out of the boat.  What about you?

This story though provides me with great comfort.  For one thing, I do want to follow Jesus that closely but like Peter I fail.  I sink.  I get afraid.  Notice though that Jesus is right there.  He saves Peter.... Brings him safely back in the boat.  Jesus never takes his eyes off of Peter.  He doesn't turn Peter away.  He brings him back in the boat.  He forgives him.  He still invites Peter to follow.

Think about that.  We are free to try and try again to follow him... When we fail, he never takes his eyes off of us.  He is there to save us... To forgive us... To put us back in the boat... In His grace and mercy doesn't turn back... He doesn't reject.  He loves us . Forgives us... Helps us to grow so that We can keep following... Keep Walking where He walks.

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