Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Secret

"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."   
Philippians 4:12-13

When I started this blog a year ago, my first blogs all took their themes from the names of our grandchildren.  Well I want you to meet our newest grand daughter - Hailey Sharon Elaine Braun.  She was born after we moved to Germany and so Linda and I just met Hailey this week.  It has been a joy to get to know her this week.  I love the meanings of her name.  Hailey mean s "hay meadow."   Sharon means "budding rose or flower."  Elaine means "shining light or sun."  Put all those names together and it's all about growing things and the sun or light that's needed to make those things grow.  More than that I have loved getting to know her personality.  She is the most content little girl... Very content to sit on the floor and entertain herself.  As her name indicates she seems to have "everything she needs."

I watch Hailey, happy to just sit and play with a few simple toys and I wonder, "why can't I... Why can't we be content like that?  Why is there this constant need for more -more money?   More things?   More success?  Why is there this ongoing need for something new or different?  "If only I had a different house or a different car or a different job... If only... If only... If only - then you or I would be happy?"  Why is contentment so elusive?  

The answer lies in the nature of sin.  Instead of trusting God we put our trust in ourselves.  We take our lives in our own hands.  Life becomes about what we can do... About what we can get for ourselves... About what we have.  Therein is the problem. God's job is one we can't handle and so we can never do enough... We can never have enough.

The key to contentment is never how much we have but who has us.  That's what does it for Hailey.  She's content because her mom and dad have her.  They take care of her.  They cloth her, feed her, protect her, love her.  It's the same for us - even more so.  Our Heavenly Father has given His own son to save us from sin.  Our Heavenly Father adopted us as His own in baptism.  He feeds our souls daily in His word and regularly at His table.... He provides all we need for our body and life....He "guards us from all danger and protects us from all evil."  He listens to our prayers and answers them in ways so much better than what we ask for.  Contentment is not about what we have.  It's the fact that HE HAS US!  

In Hailey I see Paul's secret at work - "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me."

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