Thursday, October 11, 2018

A Walk in the Dark

Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

The last couple of mornings when I went for my walk with Molly it has been pitch black dark out there.  You almost couldn’t see a thing.  That always makes me nervous, especially with all the places where one piece of sidewalk has settled lower than the one next to it, leaving a little ledge to trip on.  Or what if I run into an animal on the path or even a snake?  What if I step in something I didn’t see like a puddle or worse. Well I went anyway.  After all, if I was going to get my walk in, I had to walk in the dark.

Well it struck me that the same is true about our lives in this world.  This world is a dark place.  This past year with all the “me too” headlines… all the news about sexual misconduct about priests… school shootings… the vitriol and hatred being spewed by the entire spectrum of partisan groups – has been a reminder.  Then there is the darkness that goes on in our own lives – depression, addiction, adultery, marriage problems, abuse, lying, betrayal, jealousy.  I am sure each of us can point to some temptation, some form of spiritual darkness that we encounter in our own personal worlds… perhaps in ourselves.  We live in a dark world.  Living in this world, is by nature a “walk in the dark.”   Far too often making right choices is difficult.  There are times when seeing the right path to take is not easy.

That got me to thinking.  I did just fine on the “walk in the dark” with Molly.  What might I learn from these early morning strolls that might help us in our walk through this dark world?  Well the first and most obvious is that light matters.  When I am out for a walk in the dark – the street lamps and the lights from the houses help a lot.  I also have the flashlight on my I-phone. 

Light is also important for our walk through this dark world.  Fortunately, God has provided one.  In Psalm 119:105 we read these wonderful words.  “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.”  God’s word does two very important things.  It is a lamp that shows us where to take our very next step.  This is to keep us from stumbling over things that are right before us… to keep us, if you will, from spiritually “stubbing our toes.”  The word also serves like a flashlight, showing us the path ahead, where we are heading in our journey.  In other words, God’s Word is the light we need to help us discern right choices, make good decisions and choose the right path.  It may not give us specific direction in life’s big choices, but it does help us to know right from wrong.  The word reminds us of what are the really important questions to ask, such as, “How will this impact my family?  Will this help or make it harder to practice my faith?   Why am I doing this – jealousy?  Anger?  Love?”  God’s Word helps us to see through all those things.

Second, when I am walking in the dark, I have Molly with me.  She sees in the dark better than I do and guides me away from things I should avoid. Well she does most the time.  She is prone to walk straight through a puddle.  In life, you and I have an even better guide… one who walks with us, who never leads us wrong.  We have Jesus, our Savior who loves us and gave Himself up for us.  He sees in the darkness much better than we do.  He has walked through this darkness ahead of us, overcame the darkness and made a path for us through this life to His eternal home.  Trust your guide!

Third, when I walk in the dark I stick to paths I have already walked in the daylight.  Having walked this way before I know what to expect on the path ahead of me.  I know when the path makes turns and where the sidewalk has a slope to it.  This is important in life too.  When you practice your faith daily, you learn the right paths through life.  You know what to expect and where to go in the dark, because you have walked that way in the daylight.  If you are a person who prays regularly, then in times of trial and darkness, your first instinct will be to pray.  You will be like the father I love to tell about. A car suddenly swerved straight towards his car.  His first instinct was not panic.  It was not to cuss.  His first instinct was, “Lord, help us.”  If you walk God’s path daily, you will know that path even in the dark.

Plus, you will learn from your mistakes.  Last Spring I was out for a walk, not paying attention to what my feet were doing.  I suddenly hit a place where the sidewalk buckled.  I went straight forward and did a face plant in the grass.   Now, when I walk, I pay closer attention to where my feet are stepping, to what the path looks like in front of me.  In the same way, if being with a certain group, or taking just one drink leads you to trouble – learn to avoid those things. Stop going in that direction.  In other words, “Flee temptation.”

Yes, our walk through this world is a walk in the dark!  Thank God that we have Him to guide us and lead us through this world to the place where His light shines forever.  

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