Thursday, July 4, 2019

Real Freedom

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Galatians 5:1

A happy and blessed Independence to Day to all of my fellow Americans and greetings to my friends around the world on America’s 243rd birthday.  Here in the USA this is a day for 5k runs, for parades in each town, for back yard family picnics, for cooking on the grill, for concerts at the park, for fireworks in each town – as we celebrate the blessings of freedom. 

I thought for a moment I would stop and ask the question – “What is this thing called freedom?’  In the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson wrote that we have all been endowed by God with the rights of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”  As Americans and in much of the Western world we talk about freedom of worship, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and more.  Those are all very precious freedoms – freedoms that men and women have fought and died to preserve for us.  So the 4th of July in America is a time of treasuring those freedoms, for remembering those who gave so much to preserve those freedoms and for thanking God for those freedoms.

Still though, what is this thing called freedom?  Does freedom mean that we are free to do whatever we want, to say whatever we want, to do whatever we please?  In one sense those are freedoms.  However, in a deeper, spiritual sense those aren’t really freedom at all.  In a deeper spiritual sense, that kind of freedom is exactly what Paul was warning the Galatians about. For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Doing what we please is exactly what led man into slavery to sin.  When Adam and Eve took freely of the forbidden fruit they became slaves of sin, of selfishness, of pride and death. Indeed, at that moment, in our first parents, we all became such slaves.  God did not create us to be our own Masters.  He created us to be His servants. True freedom is thus the freedom to be what God created us to be.  So when we set out to be our own master, to do as we please we give up freedom.  We become enslaved to our lusts and selfishness and pride… doomed to death. 

That’s why Christ came.  God’s Son, Jesus, is the greatest freedom fighter of all time.  He gave up His freedom to secure ours.  He humbled Himself, lived our lives, allowed Himself to be arrested, and unjustly put to death for us.  He became the slave led out to die on the cross so that by His resurrection on Easter morning He might set us free…free to be what God intended us to be – free to serve Him by serving and loving one another. 

That’s what Paul means – “For freedom Christ has set us free…”  Then he warns us – “do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.”  Do not then use your freedom in Christ as an excuse to do as you please… to sin freely because God will forgive you anyway.  That’s trampling God’s grace.  That’s submitting again to a yoke of slavery.  It’s not freedom!

Real freedom is found at the cross… is found on your knees in repentance, forgiven of your sins in Christ.  Real freedom is living not as you please- but as He pleases… living for Him who died for you and rose again… living in love and service for your friends, your family, even your enemies.  That’s the freedom Jesus fought for and won for you.  “And if the son shall make you free you shall be free indeed.”

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