Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Someone Else

of God’s grace in its various forms”
1 Peter 4:10 (NIV)

I have a poem to read to you.  I have no idea who wrote it.  The poem is called - “Everybody, Anybody, Somebody, Nobody and Someone Else.”    Let me tell you the story of four church members by the name of Tom, Dick, Harry and Joe. Their full names in fact were as such; Tom Somebody, Dick Everybody, Harry Anybody, and Joe Nobody. Together they were the best of friends, But I must confess
when it came to a task that needed to be done at Church they weren't very good.  You see whenever they were given a job, they all began to fight. Because this is how it always went; Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it, and Anybody could have done it but in the end Nobody always ended up with the task.  When Nobody did it, Somebody was angry because it was Everybody's job. But Everybody thought that Somebody would do it instead. Now Nobody realized that Nobody would do it.  So consequently, Everybody blamed Somebody When Nobody did what Anybody could have done
in the first place. 

Now don't start arguing yet because I have another story of these friends to tell; Now as you may have guessed these four were fun, active, busy people.  But what they accomplished was a shame and Everybody knew it.  You see Everybody had a good idea, but Everybody thought Somebody would follow it through, however Somebody thought Anybody would work on it. And Anybody thought Everybody should do it. So, Nobody ended up working on it...AGAIN!  Now one day a contest was announced, all the boys were sent to enter. Now Everybody thought Anybody could win the prize.
Anybody thought Somebody would win. And Somebody thought Everybody would get a prize.
Nobody was the smartest of the four. And Nobody was very faithful. Nobody worked very hard.
Thus, Nobody won the prize!

No I have one more tale to tell you of another friend of the four.  This is a sad, sad tale of the death of
a man called Someone Else;  You see all the boys belonged to the same church and there was another member named Someone Else.  Now the four were greatly saddened to learn of the death of one of the most valuable members - Someone Else.  Someone's passing created a vacancy that will be difficult to fill.  He had been around for years and for every one of those years, Someone Else did far more than a normal person's share of work. Whenever Anybody mentioned leadership, Somebody always looked to this wonderful person for inspiration and results; "Someone Else can do that job!"  When there was a job to do, a need to be filled or a place of leadership, one name was always given.... Someone Else. Everyone knew Someone Else was the largest giver of time and money.  Whenever there was a financial need, Everybody, Anybody and Somebody always assumed that Someone Else would make up the difference.  Now Someone Else is gone.  and the boys all wonder what they will do, no longer can they utter the words; "Let Someone Else do it."  If it is going to be done, one of them will have to do it.... And I guess most of the time it will be Nobody.”

The truth is that in the church we really do put our trust in someone else. Someone else has lived the life we fail to live.  Someone else has paid the price for our sins by dying on a cross.  Someone else rose again to conquer death.  Someone else saved us.  That someone else is Jesus our Savior.  And He has called you by name not somebody.  He has given you gifts to use in love and service to others.  He has not chosen just anybody. He has chosen you and me to go and show His love to others.  You and I can not leave this up to Somebody, Anybody or Nobody.  No St. Peter tells us, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

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